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Western Management Group has been conducting the individual Marketing and Sales Compensation Surveys for over 30 years, and combined the surveys into a unified study in 2022. The survey remains the premier integrated source of data regarding marketing and sales positions for a wide variety of industries, including consumer products, technology, restaurants and food service, banking, insurance, financial services, automotive, transportation, hospitality, and entertainment.A list of the participants from the 2024 surveys is available below for your review.
New Jobs
Photographer - EntryStrategic Marketing - SupervisorSales Support - Supervisor
Please refer to the survey Input Instructions for a full list of updated and revised survey content.
We firmly believe in rewarding our survey participants for helping to make our surveys better. You can earn significant discounts this year!
Company Selections Company Size by Revenue or Employment Business Segment and Product Category Geographic Area: Region/State/Metro Area Data Elements and Statistics Calculations Custom Percentiles Standard Deviations Weighted and Simple Averages Data Aging And much more!
NEW AND REVISED POSITIONS INDICATED IN BOLD RED ITALICSMARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONSMARKETINGMarketing Representative - EntryMarketing Representative - IntermediateMarketing Representative - CareerMarketing Representative - SpecialistMarketing Representative - ConsultantMarketing - SupervisorMarketing - Tactical ManagerMarketing - Strategic ManagerMarketing - Top ManagerREGIONAL MARKETINGRegional Marketing - Strategic ManagerRegional Marketing - Top ManagerPUBLIC RELATIONSPublic Relations Representative - EntryPublic Relations Representative - IntermediatePublic Relations Representative - CareerPublic Relations Representative - SpecialistPublic Relations Representative - ConsultantPublic Relations - Tactical ManagerPublic Relations - Strategic ManagerPublic Relations - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutivePublic Relations - Corporate - Top ExecutiveGOVERNMENT RELATIONSGovernment Relations Representative - IntermediateGovernment Relations Representative - CareerGovernment Relations Representative - SpecialistGovernment Relations Representative - ConsultantGovernment Relations - Tactical ManagerGovernment Relations - Strategic ManagerGovernment Relations - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveGovernment Relations - Corporate - Top ExecutiveCOMMUNITY AFFAIRS / CONTRIBUTIONSCommunity Affairs/Contributions Representative - EntryCommunity Affairs/Contributions Representative - IntermediateCommunity Affairs/Contributions Representative - CareerCommunity Affairs/Contributions Representative - SpecialistCommunity Affairs/Contributions Representative - ConsultantCommunity Affairs/Contributions - Tactical ManagerCommunity Affairs/Contributions - Strategic ManagerINVESTOR RELATIONSInvestor Relations Analyst - IntermediateInvestor Relations Analyst - CareerInvestor Relations Analyst - SpecialistInvestor Relations Analyst - ConsultantInvestor Relations - Tactical ManagerInvestor Relations - Strategic ManagerInvestor Relations - Corporate - Top ExecutivePRODUCT MARKETING / BRAND MANAGEMENTProduct/Brand Manager - EntryProduct/Brand Manager - IntermediateProduct/Brand Manager - CareerProduct/Brand Manager - SpecialistProduct/Brand Manager - ConsultantProduct/Brand Management - Tactical ManagerProduct/Brand Management - Strategic ManagerProduct/Brand Management - Top ManagerProduct/Brand Management - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveProduct/Brand Management - Corporate - Top ExecutiveDIGITAL / E-COMMERCE ANALYTICSSOCIAL NETWORKINGSocial Networking Media Representative - EntrySocial Networking Media Representative - IntermediateSocial Networking Media Representative - CareerSocial Networking Media Representative - SpecialistSocial Networking Media Representative - ConsultantSocial Networking Media - Tactical ManagerSocial Networking Media - Strategic ManagerSocial Networking - Corporate - Top ExecutiveDIGITAL CONTENTDigital Content Coordinator - EntryDigital Content Coordinator - IntermediateDigital Content Coordinator - CareerDigital Content Coordinator - SpecialistDigital Content Coordinator - ConsultantDigital Content Tactical ManagerDigital Content Strategic ManagerDIGITAL GRAPHICS DESIGNDigital Graphics Designer - EntryDigital Graphics Designer - IntermediateDigital Graphics Designer - CareerDigital Graphics Designer - SpecialistDigital Graphics Designer - ConsultantDigital Graphics - Tactical ManagerDigital Graphics - Strategic ManagerDIGITAL TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTDigital Technical Developer - EntryDigital Technical Developer - IntermediateDigital Technical Developer - CareerDigital Technical Developer - SpecialistDigital Technical Developer - ConsultantDigital Technical Development - Tactical ManagerDigital Technical Development - Strategic ManagerSEO ANALYTICSSEO Analyst - EntrySEO Analyst - IntermediateSEO Analyst - CareerSEO Analyst - SpecialistSEO Analyst - ConsultantSEO Analytics - Tactical ManagerSEO Analytics - Strategic ManagerONLINE MERCHANDISINGOnline Merchandiser - EntryOnline Merchandiser - IntermediateOnline Merchandiser - CareerOnline Merchandiser - SpecialistOnline Merchandiser - ConsultantOnline Merchandising - Tactical ManagerOnline Merchandising - Strategic ManagerMARKETING DATABASE ANALYTICSMarketing Database Analyst - EntryMarketing Database Analyst - IntermediateMarketing Database Analyst - CareerMarketing Database Analyst - SpecialistMarketing Database Analyst - ConsultantMARKETING DATABASE STATISTICSMarketing Database Statistician - EntryMarketing Database Statistician - IntermediateMarketing Database Statistician - CareerMarketing Database Statistician - SpecialistMarketing Database Statistician - ConsultantMarketing Database Analytics - Tactical ManagerMarketing Database Analytics - Strategic ManagerDATA SCIENCEData Scientist - CareerData Scientist - SpecialistData Scientist - ConsultantData Science - Tactical ManagerData Science - Strategic ManagerUSER EXPERIENCEUser Experience Designer - EntryUser Experience Designer - IntermediateUser Experience Designer - CareerUser Experience Designer - SpecialistUser Experience Designer - ConsultantUser Experience Design - Tactical ManagerUser Experience Design - Strategic ManagerDIGITAL / E-COMMERCE ANALYTICSDigital/e-Commerce Analyst - EntryDigital/e-Commerce Analyst - IntermediateDigital/e-Commerce Analyst - CareerDigital/e-Commerce Analyst - SpecialistDigital/e-Commerce Analyst - ConsultantDigital/e-Commerce - Tactical ManagerDigital/e-Commerce - Strategic ManagerDigital/e-Commerce - Top ManagerDigital/e-Commerce - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveDigital/e-Commerce - Corporate - Top ExecutiveSTRATEGIC MERCHANDISINGStrategic Merchandiser - EntryStrategic Merchandiser - IntermediateStrategic Merchandiser - CareerStrategic Merchandiser - SpecialistStrategic Merchandiser - ConsultantStrategic Merchandising - SupervisorStrategic Merchandising - Tactical ManagerStrategic Merchandising - Strategic ManagerStrategic Merchandising - Top ManagerMEETINGS / CONFERENCES / TRADE SHOWS / EXHIBITS / EVENTSTRADE SHOWSTrade Show Representative - EntryTrade Show Representative - IntermediateTrade Show Representative - CareerTrade Show Representative - SpecialistTrade Show Representative - ConsultantTrade Show - Tactical ManagerTrade Show - Strategic ManagerMEETINGS / CONFERENCE PLANNINGMeetings/Conference Planner - EntryMeetings/Conference Planner - IntermediateMeetings/Conference Planner - CareerMeetings/Conference Planner - SpecialistMeetings/Conference Planner - ConsultantMeetings/Conference Planning - Tactical ManagerMeetings/Conference Planning - Strategic ManagerMeetings/Conference Planning - Top ManagerCORPORATE EVENTSCorporate Events Representative - EntryCorporate Events Representative - IntermediateCorporate Events Representative - CareerCorporate Events Representative - SpecialistCorporate Events Representative - ConsultantCorporate Events - Tactical ManagerCorporate Events - Strategic ManagerMEETINGS / CONFERENCES / TRADE SHOWS / EXHIBITS / EVENTSMeetings/Conferences/Trade Shows/Exhibits/Events - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveMeetings/Conferences/Trade Shows/Exhibits/Events - Corporate - Top ExecutiveCREATIVEVIDEOGRAPHYVideographer/Camera Operator - EntryVideographer/Camera Operator - IntermediateVideographer/Camera Operator - CareerVideographer/Camera Operator - SpecialistVIDEO EDITINGVideo Editor - EntryVideo Editor - IntermediateVideo Editor - CareerVideo Editor - SpecialistSTUDIO REMOTEStudio/Remote Technician/Engineer - EntryStudio/Remote Technician/Engineer - IntermediateStudio/Remote Technician/Engineer - CareerStudio/Remote Technician/Engineer - SpecialistVIDEO DIRECTION / PRODUCTIONVideo Director/Producer - EntryVideo Director/Producer - IntermediateVideo Director/Producer - CareerVideo Director/Producer - SpecialistVideo Director/Producer - ConsultantVideo Operations - Tactical ManagerVideo Operations - Strategic ManagerGRAPHICS DESIGNGraphics Designer - EntryGraphics Designer - IntermediateGraphics Designer - CareerGraphics Designer - SpecialistGraphics Designer - ConsultantGraphics Design/Art Director - Tactical ManagerCOPYWRITINGCopywriter - EntryCopywriter - IntermediateCopywriter - CareerCopywriter - SpecialistCopywriter - ConsultantCopywriting - Tactical ManagerCOPY EDITINGCopy Editor - EntryCopy Editor - IntermediateCopy Editor - CareerCopy Editor - SpecialistCopy Editor - ConsultantPHOTOGRAPHYPhoto Studio Coordinator - EntryPhoto Studio Coordinator - IntermediatePhoto Lab Technician - CareerPhotographer - EntryPhotographer - IntermediatePhotographer - CareerPhotographer - SpecialistPhotography - SupervisorPhotography - Tactical ManagerPhotography - Strategic ManagerCATALOG / DIRECT MAIL PRODUCTIONCatalog/Direct Mail Production Coordinator - EntryCatalog/Direct Mail Production Coordinator - IntermediateCatalog/Direct Mail Production Coordinator - CareerCatalog/Direct Mail Production Coordinator - SpecialistCatalog/Direct Mail - Tactical ManagerCatalog/Direct Mail - Strategic ManagerCatalog/Direct Mail - Top ManagerCREATIVECreative - Tactical ManagerCreative - Strategic ManagerCreative - Top ManagerCreative - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveCreative - Corporate - Top ExecutiveADVERTISING / MEDIAMEDIA PRODUCTIONMedia Production Traffic Coordinator - EntryMedia Production Traffic Coordinator - IntermediateMedia Production Traffic Coordinator - CareerMedia Production Traffic Coordinator - SpecialistMedia Production Traffic Coordinator - ConsultantMedia Production Traffic - Tactical ManagerMedia Production Traffic - Strategic ManagerPRINT MEDIAPrint Media - Tactical ManagerPrint Media - Strategic ManagerBROADCAST MEDIABroadcast Media - Tactical ManagerBroadcast Media - Strategic ManagerMEDIA BUYINGMedia Buyer - IntermediateMedia Buyer - CareerMedia Buyer - SpecialistMedia Buyer - ConsultantMedia Services - Tactical ManagerMedia Services - Strategic ManagerADVERTISING SALES PROMOTIONAdvertising Sales Promotion Representative - IntermediateAdvertising Sales Promotion Representative - CareerAdvertising Sales Promotion Representative - SpecialistAdvertising Sales Promotion Representative - ConsultantAdvertising Sales Promotion - Tactical ManagerAdvertising Sales Promotion - Strategic ManagerInternal Advertising Sales - Tactical ManagerInternal Advertising Sales - Strategic ManagerAdvertising Sales - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveAdvertising Sales - Corporate - Top ExecutiveADVERTISING ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTAdvertising Account Executive - EntryAdvertising Account Executive - IntermediateAdvertising Account Executive - CareerAdvertising Account Executive - SpecialistAdvertising Account Executive - ConsultantAdvertising Accounts - Tactical ManagerAdvertising Accounts - Strategic ManagerMARKET RESEARCH / DEVELOPMENT / COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE / PLANNINGPACKAGING DESIGNPackaging Designer - EntryPackaging Designer - IntermediatePackaging Designer - CareerPackaging Designer - SpecialistPackaging Designer - ConsultantPACKAGING ENGINEERINGPackaging Engineer - EntryPackaging Engineer - IntermediatePackaging Engineer - CareerPackaging Engineer - SpecialistPackaging Engineer - ConsultantPackaging - Tactical ManagerPackaging - Strategic ManagerPackaging - Top ManagerMARKETING PLANNING AND PROGRAMSMarketing Planning and Programs Representative - EntryMarketing Planning and Programs Representative - IntermediateMarketing Planning and Programs Representative - CareerMarketing Planning and Programs Representative - SpecialistMarketing Planning and Programs Representative - ConsultantMarketing Planning and Programs - Tactical ManagerMarketing Planning and Programs - Strategic ManagerBUSINESS DEVELOPMENTBusiness Development Representative - EntryBusiness Development Representative - IntermediateBusiness Development Representative - CareerBusiness Development Representative - SpecialistBusiness Development Representative - ConsultantBusiness Development - Tactical ManagerBusiness Development - Strategic ManagerLOYALTY AND REWARDSLoyalty and Rewards Program Representative - IntermediateLoyalty and Rewards Program Representative - CareerLoyalty and Rewards Program Representative - SpecialistLoyalty and Rewards Program - Tactical ManagerLoyalty and Rewards Program - Strategic ManagerLoyalty and Rewards - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveLoyalty and Rewards - Corporate - Top ExecutiveBIDS, PROPOSALS, AND CONTRACTSBids, Proposals, and Contracts Administrator - EntryBids, Proposals, and Contracts Administrator - IntermediateBids, Proposals, and Contracts Administrator - CareerBids, Proposals, and Contracts Administrator - SpecialistBids, Proposals, and Contracts Administrator - ConsultantBids, Proposals, and Contracts - Tactical ManagerBids, Proposals, and Contracts - Strategic ManagerPRICINGPricing Analyst - EntryPricing Analyst - IntermediatePricing Analyst - CareerPricing Analyst - SpecialistPricing Analyst - ConsultantPricing - Tactical ManagerPricing - Strategic ManagerMARKET RESEARCHMarket Researcher - EntryMarket Researcher - IntermediateMarket Researcher - CareerMarket Researcher - SpecialistMarket Researcher - ConsultantMarket Research - Tactical ManagerMarket Research - Strategic ManagerMarket Research - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveMarket Research - Corporate - Top ExecutiveCOMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCECompetitive Intelligence Representative - EntryCompetitive Intelligence Representative - IntermediateCompetitive Intelligence Representative - CareerCompetitive Intelligence Representative - SpecialistCompetitive Intelligence Representative - ConsultantCompetitive Intelligence - Tactical ManagerCompetitive Intelligence - Strategic ManagerFRANCHISE OPERATIONSFranchise Operations Representative - CareerFranchise Operations Representative - SpecialistFranchise Operations Representative - ConsultantFranchise Operations - Tactical ManagerFranchise Operations - Strategic ManagerFranchise Operations - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveFranchise Operations - Corporate - Top ExecutiveSALESDIRECT / FIELD SALESDirect/Field Sales Representative - EntryDirect/Field Sales Representative - IntermediateDirect/Field Sales Representative - CareerDirect/Field Sales Representative - SpecialistDirect/Field Sales Representative - ConsultantDirect/Field Sales - SupervisorDirect/Field Sales - Tactical ManagerDirect/Field Sales - Strategic ManagerDirect/Field Sales - Top ManagerDirect/Field Sales Officer - Director/Vice PresidentACCOUNT MANAGEMENTAccount Representative - IntermediateAccount Representative - CareerAccount Representative - SpecialistAccount Representative - ConsultantAccounts - SupervisorAccounts - Tactical ManagerAccounts - Strategic ManagerAccounts - Top ManagerAccounts Officer - Director/Vice PresidentDISTRIBUTION CHANNELSDistribution Channels Representative - EntryDistribution Channels Representative - IntermediateDistribution Channels Representative - CareerDistribution Channels Representative - SpecialistDistribution Channels Representative - ConsultantDistribution Channels - SupervisorDistribution Channels - Tactical ManagerDistribution Channels - Strategic ManagerDistribution Channels - Top ManagerTELESALES / INSIDE SALESTelesales/Inside Sales Representative - EntryTelesales/Inside Sales Representative - IntermediateTelesales/Inside Sales Representative - CareerTelesales/Inside Sales Representative - SpecialistTelesales/Inside Sales Representative - Consultant/LeadInside Sales Specialist - EntryInside Sales Specialist - IntermediateInside Sales Specialist - CareerInside Sales Specialist - SpecialistInside Sales Specialist - ConsultantInside Sales - SupervisorInside Sales - Tactical ManagerInside Sales - Strategic ManagerInside Sales - Top ManagerSUPPORT / OPERATIONS / ADMINISTRATIONSALES SUPPORT / OPERATIONS / ADMINISTRATIONSales Support Representative - EntrySales Support Representative - IntermediateSales Support Representative - CareerSales Support - SupervisorSales Support - Tactical ManagerSales Support - Strategic ManagerCUSTOMER SERVICECustomer Service Representative - EntryCustomer Service Representative - IntermediateCustomer Service Representative - CareerCustomer Service Representative - SpecialistCustomer Service - SupervisorCustomer Service - Tactical ManagerCustomer Service - Strategic ManagerCustomer Service - Top ManagerCustomer Service - Corporate - Top ExecutiveTECHNICAL SUPPORT PLANNINGTechnical Support Planner - EntryTechnical Support Planner - IntermediateTechnical Support Planner - CareerTechnical Support Planner - SpecialistTechnical Support Planner - ConsultantTechnical Support Planning - Tactical ManagerTechnical Support Planning - Strategic ManagerTECHNICAL SUPPORTTechnical Support/Help Desk Representative - EntryTechnical Support/Help Desk Representative - IntermediateTechnical Support/Help Desk Representative - CareerTechnical Support/Help Desk Representative - SpecialistTechnical Support/Help Desk Representative - Consultant/LeadTRAINING / DEVELOPMENTTrainer/Developer - EntryTrainer/Developer - IntermediateTrainer/Developer - CareerTrainer/Developer - SpecialistTrainer/Developer - ConsultantTraining/Development - Tactical ManagerTraining/Development - Strategic ManagerSENIOR EXECUTIVESCompliance Officer - CorporateChief Strategy Officer (CSO) - Division/Subsidiary/Business UnitChief Strategy Officer (CSO) - CorporateChief Financial Officer (CFO) - CorporateMarketing Officer - Director/Vice PresidentChief Marketing Officer (CMO) - Division/Subsidiary/Business Unit - Top ExecutiveChief Marketing Officer (CMO) - CorporateMarketing and Sales Officer - Director/Vice PresidentChief Marketing and Sales Officer - Division/Subsidiary/Business UnitChief Marketing and Sales Officer - CorporateChief Operating Officer (COO) - CorporateChief Executive Officer (CEO) - Division/Subsidiary/Business UnitChief Executive Officer (CEO) - Non-ChairmanChief Executive Officer (CEO) - Chairman